Thursday, January 22, 2009

Test Post

snow landscape

snow landscape from w.pasman on Vimeo.

Some very nice shots cycling through a snow landscape. I particularly like the second shot where I cycle under overhanging small trees with their branches covered with snow.

I highly recommend downloading the quicktime higher quality version (lower right on this page). Vimeo adds some very bad artefacts to the video

I noticed quite some compression artefacts that are not in the original. Unfortunately even going to 4.5Mbit/s did not solve that. This video seems to overpower H264 compression ...

The LandscapeHD 'Producer' Project

Hello all

I am the Creative Director for LandscapeHD a TV channel with a difference that has been broadcasting in Europe for more than 20 years. We have recently developed a new creative project that aims to act as an outlet for talented film makers to get there work onto our HD television channel and into viewers homes through cable, satellite and terrestrial television systems.

We are a music television channel that broadcast world, instrumental and classical music videos. These are not music videos in the traditional sense (featuring the musician) but are more like short films combining HD imagery of the world we live in set to music taken from our extensive rights cleared library of classical and contemporary instrumental music.

What we are looking for are talented film-makers with a desire to get there work onto television. When your film/music video is broadcast you will earn royalties for the hard work you have put in and an on-screen credit to your website.

You will need an camera capable of shooting in HD (either progressive or interlaced) and edit equipment that can export uncompressed.

Please note: we are not YouTube we are a commercial television channel and therefore have strict broadcast standards in place so please only email once you have visited our website and have read the Production pages and in particular The Producer Page.

If you think your work is suitable please email me a link to

The LandscapeHD 'Producer' Project from LandscapeHD on Vimeo.

(Video above is low bit rate 720p)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Leo Laporte - Part II: King of Tech Talk

Part II: Leo Laporte is on radio shows across the nation, most notably on KFI in Los Angeles and KGO in San Francisco, two of the most listened to radio stations in the world. His This Week in Tech show has the largest tech podcast audience on iTunes. He usually has the biggest tech audience of any live show on Stickam. People like Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, have launched their careers after being associated with him. Here we sit down for a fun talk with Leo at his studio in Petaluma, California to find out how he does it all.

Work on stuff that matters

The first in a two-part discussion between Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media and Joshua-Michele Ross about O'Reilly's recent talk: Working on "Stuff that Matters".